
Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of nasal mucous membrane caused by SeIgE mediated reaction to one or more allergies. Allergen may be either pollens,spores,dust mites, animal dander, fungus, food or insects. It is very common in adolescents.

Common symptoms are : Sneezing, running nose, itching in the nose,ear and eyes, watering of eyes. It severely affects the quality of life of person.

We do SeIgE study for every patient with allergy.
The serum levels of SeIgE is usually markedly elevated in these people.
We further do skin prick Allergy test for these individuals.

Allergy Test :
It is a very simple skin prick test done on OPD basis.
Affordable easily
Can check hypersensitivity for different about 250 substances including air borne allergies, contact allergies and food.

Depending upon the results of allergy test customized Immunotherapy is planned for the individual.
Immunotherapy is in the form of drops to be taken sublingually by the person by himself/ herself at home.
The results of immunotherapy are very promising.
It is affordable and non—invasive.

About Hospital

Indriya Eye & ENT Hospital in Nagpur is one of the leading businesses in the ENT Doctors. Also known for ENT Doctors, Ophthalmologists, Eye Hospitals, ENT Hospitals, ENT Surgeon Doctors, Eye Surgeon Doctors, Eye Clinics, Speech Therapists and much more.

Hospital Details

Address : 2nd Floor, Shree Radhe Health Heights, opposite Hotel Centre Point, near Lokmat Square, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010
Email :
Phone : 07447443464

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