Eustachian Tube Problems

Eustachian tube connects the middle Ear with the Naropharynx. This tube helps in regulation of middle Ear pressure and ventilation. When Eustachian tube gets blocked, middle Ear ventilation gets affected causing negative middle Ear pressure. This results in retraction of Ear drum with effusion of fluid in middle Ear. Over period of time this fluid gets infected.

Mostly seen in small children from age 2—7 y years. Commenest cause of this is Adenoid, which are collection of Lymphoid Tissue in Naropharynx. Problem can occur due to adenoid. Blocking the Naropharyngeal part of Eustachin tube therby preventing proper ventilation of middle Ear or it can occur due to Adenoiditis when by Adenoid gets infected . This infection gets transmitted via Eustactian tube to middle Ear

About Hospital

Indriya Eye & ENT Hospital in Nagpur is one of the leading businesses in the ENT Doctors. Also known for ENT Doctors, Ophthalmologists, Eye Hospitals, ENT Hospitals, ENT Surgeon Doctors, Eye Surgeon Doctors, Eye Clinics, Speech Therapists and much more.

Hospital Details

Address : 2nd Floor, Shree Radhe Health Heights, opposite Hotel Centre Point, near Lokmat Square, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010
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Phone : 07447443464

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