Eye Treatment

It is said that the Eyes are windows of the soul The human eye is an organ which reacts to light and pressure. Human eyes help to provide a three dimensional, moving image, normally colored in daylight.

Ear Treatment

The major task of the Ear is to detect, transmit and transduce sound to the brain through the parts of the Ear and also to maintain our sense of balance. The ears are organs that provide two main functions.

Nose Treatment

Your nose also called as Breath of Life is another part of your defense system. Your nose warms, moistens and filters the air before it enters the lungs. When there is problem with your nose, your whole body can suffer.

Throat Treatment

The Throat is the section of the digestive tract forming a passage between the back of the mouth and the esophagus. The throat plays a number of essential roles during speaking, breathing and swallowing.

About Hospital

Indriya Eye & ENT Hospital in Nagpur is one of the leading businesses in the ENT Doctors. Also known for ENT Doctors, Ophthalmologists, Eye Hospitals, ENT Hospitals, ENT Surgeon Doctors, Eye Surgeon Doctors, Eye Clinics, Speech Therapists and much more.

Hospital Details

Address : 2nd Floor, Shree Radhe Health Heights, opposite Hotel Centre Point, near Lokmat Square, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010
Email : Indriyahospital@gmail.com
Phone : 07447443464

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