Snoring And Sleep Apnea
Snoring is a common problem which is going on increasing in our class of sedentary life style. Snoring can disturb sleep for the person itself as well as his partner. Snoring can be either in the form of simple snoring where the patient has no other problem , only snoring at the time of sleep. Sometimes snoring can be present with sleep apnea which is a serious and a life threatening condition. Snoring occurs during sleep when the soft tissues in the throat and the upper air way relax andbecome narrow to the air passing through the narrow airway causes tissue to vibrate causing sound of snoring.
Snoring can be reduced by:
Sleeping on one side
Putting nasal drops
Oral appliances
Tissue stiffening products

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:
Respiratory effect.
Exercise day time sleepiness.
Chocking sensation.
Untreated OSA can lead to life threatening heart disorders.
Sleep Study—We do multilevel sleep study either at hospital / home
Diagnose and quantify the extent of OSA
Sleep Endoscopy
We do fibre optic sleep endoscopy to find out the site or level of obstruction.
Sleep study and sleep endoscopy help us in planning the surgical strategy for treatment of OSA and snoring.
Treatment include:
Surgery of nose.
Surgery of palate and tonsillectomy.
Surgery of base tongue.
Maxilla , mandible advancement.
Hyoid suspension.